Jaipur Moorti Mahal You Can Live Every Day of Your Life beatifully with the right Attitude - Ganesh Marble Moorti | Marble Handicrafts - Jaipur Moorti Mahal

You Can Live Every Day of Your Life beatifully with the right Attitude

Jaipur Moorti Mahal God Shiva

The law of inertia holds that a body at rest tends to remain at rest, and a body in motion tends to remain in motion, at the same speed and in the same direction, unless acted upon by an outside force.
With one major difference, that law applies very well to the pattern of our lives.

People who are successful tend to remain successful.

People who are happy tend to remain happy.

People who are respected tend to remain respected.

People who reach their goals tend to go on reaching their goals.

So what’s the major difference?

In physics, inertia is controlled by outside forces; but the real changes in the directions of our lives come from inside us. As William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can alter his life by altering his attitude of mind.”
You can live every day of your life. You can be alive to the tips of your fingers. You can accomplish virtually any worthwhile goal you set for yourself.

All fear is about survival and when you know that you are going to survive these incidences or these moments, fear will vanish. Looking back at your own moments and experiences gives you strength. This is where looking back helps.

Why is Spirituality Essential (Part 2)
See, anything you do in life, it is all directed towards being happy. Why do you even do some service to somebody? It is because it gives some happiness to you. When you serve someone it gives you joy. So anything we do in our life is directed towards happiness, and greater happiness, and greater happiness. That’s how the mind goes. And the greatest happiness is reposing in the being. It is when you feel that everyone is a part of you and you are a part of everyone.
So to be successful in life you need values, you need integrity, you need a vision, you need energy, and you need dynamism. And spirituality is the one thing that gives it all of you.
If you are healthy, you can see better, you can eat better, you can speak better , you can hear better and you can run better. All this depends on just one thing. Similarly that which enriches your spirit is so essential to enrich all other aspects of life.

Acceptance of a little bit of imperfection on the periphery, allows you to be more patient, more calm and ensures that you at least maintain the inner perfection.


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